Saturday, February 13, 2010

Notes on The DeanBear Vlog for 2/10/2010 – Double dose of DeanBear

Okay, so I don’t post a blog video daily…sometimes things get a little time-crunched in my life, and some things have to go on the back burner, so to speak. I know there are people who like watching my videos and seeing what is going on in my life, but sometimes I do get so busy with my life that I just don’t have the time to record or post. I did record on the 8th and the 10th though, and decided to post them together in one video for your pleasure.

My Twitter feed:

The Official DeanBear Chronicles Blog:

The DeanBear Chronicles Website:

(c)2010, Mattydale Pictures Television


(c)2010, Mattydale Pictures Television and Dean Basler

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